"I promise you, I'm always there. When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair. I'll carry you when you need a friend, you'll find my footprints in the sand." -Leona Lewis, Footprints in the Sand

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oh the Many Faces

Over the last couple of weeks Logan and I have noticed that Jake is very animated with his face. Here are some of the faces he makes...Hanging out
Focused on something
A Cute little smile
Lifting his head to see what is above mommy's head
He does not like his car seat
Big Yawn

Showing off his mullet
He loves to move his hands! Even more by his face
Waking up!
I'm Hungary still...
His poop face
"I'm done eating and ready to sleep" look

He has been so much fun and we just love watching him!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jake's First Bath!!

Jake's bellybutton finally fell off on saturday so we decided to give him his first bath. He seemed to really like it! The only time he would really start fussing is when we had him out of the water for too long and he would get cold.
After he was all clean we pulled him out and wrapped him up! He just laid there and looked around waiting for what was next. What a sweetie!!

We just love this little boy!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cute Little Guy!

Here is a short clip I made of Jake one day when he and I were hanging out in bed all day. I had been up all night the night before with food poisoning. So, here he is, you kind of get a good taste of how mellow this little guy is. He would sleep all night without waking up if I didn't wake him up to feed him. He doesn't cry much, except when he's super hungry and fusses when he is trying to poop. He sleeps so calmly and will sleep through pretty much anything!!! We love him so much!! Enjoy!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Jake Logan Thompson

Jake came into our lives at 12:38 am on August 31,2011. He weighed 7 lbs, and was 20 inches long!
We have enjoyed this guy tremendously!!!!!!!!! He is a joy to have and feel very blessed to have such a sweet spirit in our life.

My doctor let me do an elective induction, so a week in advance, we scheduled the induction for the morning of August 30th. He told me to call the night before to get any special instructions. So the evening before I called in and they told me to be here at 6 am and to call 30 minutes before to make sure they had a bed for me. We went to bed-and could hardly sleep-and got up at 5am to get ready. I called in at 5:30 and they told me that it was not going to happen and that they would call me later if they could get me in. We were pretty disappointed and went back to bed for an hour or so. At about 10am we still hadn't heard anything and so called them again-again the same answer with no hint as to when would be a closer time. So we sat around and waited some more. In the mean time, I called my doctor to see if he wanted me to come in for a checkup if they couldn't get me in and they said they would call me back. So I called the hospital again at 12...they must have thought we were a nag cause they told me they were still waiting on a few girls to deliver. FINALLY at 12:30 pm they called us and said to get there within 45 min!! So we jumped in the car and got over there as soon as possible just in case they changed their mind! :)
We admitted me and went up to labor and delivery to get started. They started me on the oxytocin for contractions at about 1:30pm. After talking to the nurse she said that my doctor called in upset that they didn't get me in sooner and that they were going to get me started on things quickly.
A few hours went by and I was dialated to a 4 and they came in to check the position of the baby with an ultrasound and he was in perfect position.
So they gave me the choice to get my epidural and then break my water or vice versa. Let's just say that i'm glad I chose to get the epidural first, because an hour after they broke my water, I was dialated to a 9 and his head was engaged.
Finally it was time to push and with the help of my mom, Cindy, and Logan, he came out quickly.

We are so happy to have this little guy and are excited to watch him grow! He has already captured our love and admiration cause we think he is just SSSSSOOOOOO cute!

By the way, I am recovering very quickly, in fact it's only been 9 days and I can hardly feel the soreness anymore!! Makes it much easier to go things around the house!!! I am still a little emotional if you talk to me about specific subjects, but I'm hoping my hormones will level out soon. Logan has been a good help to me the last week and we are so thankful to Cindy for cooking us dinner several nights this last week!! I hope that as soon as Jake and I can figure out breastfeeding better that I will have more time to get things done throughout the day!