"I promise you, I'm always there. When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair. I'll carry you when you need a friend, you'll find my footprints in the sand." -Leona Lewis, Footprints in the Sand

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thank Goodness for Good People!

Getting back from our trip created a lot of work for me and a lot more money spending for us than we planned on.
I went Monday morning to renew my license (thank goodness I turned 21 this weekend and needed to do this anyway!) and had an easy time doing so. I then headed over to our bank to close our account and open a new one. Then I ran home to get Logan the documents he would need to go get his license. As I was dropping off his stuff to him, I got a phone call and it was a lady from Cedar City that was looking for Logan. I talked to her and found out that she had picked up Logan's phone and wallet from off the street and was trying to figure out where to send them to return them to him. I was SO relieved! I can't tell you how awesome of a feeling we had that someone would take the time to pick those items up and try to return them!
I gave her the address to send them to and we are just excited that we don't have to spend more money trying to replace those things.

It's funny the impact that things like that have on another person. I know that as the person doing the good deed, you think, "oh, it's what I would hope someone else would do for me" but you don't quite understand the gratefulness and relief you give to others who have a weekend like ours. I can't wait to get the package and send the lady a thank you note!
So keep doing those things that might seem like nothing to you because you don't know the impact it could have on another person's life.

1 comment:

  1. This post made my day! I was so bummed for you guys. I'm also SO thankful for good people. Thank you for the update!
